Community Rules and Regulations/ Code of Conduct

  • The villa owners/ occupants/ guests, while enjoying the ownership and use of any of the villas in ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex, must not cause or permit or suffer to be done in the villa, anything, that may be a nuisance or annoyance (especially loud music, particularly in the lawn/ pool areas, deck areas or balconies) to the owners/ occupiers/ guests of any adjoining or neighbouring villas or the community as a whole. After being issued a second warning by the Property Manager on duty (whose decision will be final and respected by all), any further violation of this rule by villa owners/ occupants/ guests in any villa, will result in the electricity utility services being temporarily discontinued (as an extreme measure) by the appointed maintenance agency/ Association of Villa Owners, who shall not be responsible or liable for any inconvenience, loss or injury occasioned to any villa owners/ occupants/ guests of the villas. Provided further that in addition to the discontinuation of the electricity utility services, security deposit (if any), may also be en-cashed by the third party management company, who is empowered to lease/ license few villas on behalf of the villa owners.
  • All villa owners/ occupants/ guests in any of the villas in ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex shall not use profane, vulgar or other improper/ abusive language or gestures including, but not limited to, racial or ethnic slurs with other owners/ occupiers/ guests of any adjoining or neighbouring villas or the officials/ employees/ staff of the appointed maintenance agency/ Association of Villa Owners and/ or third party management company, who is empowered to lease/ license few villas on behalf of the villa owners.
  • All villa owners/ occupants/ guests in any of the villas in ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex shall not possess, handle, or transmit any object that can be considered a weapon (for example, but not limited to, guns, knives, chains, chemicals, to include mace, fireworks of any kind or other dangerous object or any object that looks like a weapon unless used within the villa for decorative/ ornamental purposes only).
  • The villa owners/ occupants/ guests must allow officials/ employees/ staff/ security guards of the appointed maintenance agency/ Association of Villa Owners and/ or third party management company to conduct thermal temperature scanning of all villa owners/ occupants/ guests at the entrance gate of the ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex.
  • The villa owners/ occupants/ guests must ensure that all vehicles of owners/ occupants/ guests are driven at a slow speed (less than 10 km/ hour) on the internal road network within ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex.
  • The villa owners/ occupants/ guests must not keep or allow to be kept in the villa any poultry animals, other than domestic pets and must not allow the domestic pets to trespass or cause nuisance or annoyance to the owners/ occupiers/ guests of any adjoining or neighbouring villas or the community as a whole.
  • The villa owners/ occupants/ guests must not permit their domestic pets to foul/ litter the common green areas/ organized greens, water bodies, and other common areas or any open spaces, and other equipments and machinery etc. forming part of or installed within ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex.
  • The villa owners/ occupants/ guests must keep and secure in a tidy condition any refuse container or dustbin and must not place or leave any such refuse container or dustbin or any other refuse, whatsoever, in the common areas, of ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex or in or upon any pavement, walkway, internal road network or thoroughfare within ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex.

Clubhouse Rules:

  • Clubhouse in ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex is open for all villa owners/ occupants/ guests between 8:30am to 8:30pm daily.
  • Use of swimming pool facilities is at the swimmers own risk especially any COVID-19 contamination. Children under twelve (12) years of age are permitted to use the pool facilities in the clubhouse only if accompanied or supervised by an adult who himself knows how to swim.
  • All swimmers must wear suitable swimming attire/ costumes in the clubhouse swimming pool. No kurtas and salwar kameez’s are permitted as suitable swimming attire/ costumes.
  • All clubhouse users shall not refuse to comply with the reasonable requests of the clubhouse officials/ employees/ staff.
  • The villa owners/ occupants/ guests must allow officials/ employees/ staff/ security guards of the appointed maintenance agency/ Association of Villa Owners and/ or third party management company to conduct thermal temperature scanning of all villa owners/ occupants/ guests at the entrance of the Clubhouse within ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex.
  • Woodside Developments Pvt. Ltd./ appointed maintenance agency and/ or Association of Villa Owners, as the case may be, shall not be liable for any loss or injury occasioned to any owners/ occupants/ guests of villas in ‘the Woodside’ residential housing complex, as the case may be, while using the facilities of the clubhouse or on account of act of God or accident occurred in the normal course of playing a game or using the clubhouse facilities.